Please tell me you have tickets to see cirque du soleil 告诉我,你有去看太阳马戏剧团的票子
I say we do cirque du soleil and call it a night 我们先去看场太阳艺术杂技团的表演然后就收工怎么样
Um , if you were good , you could leave hereand join cirque du soleil 嗯要是你没事。你可以去加入太阳马戏团了。
All of the phenomenal elements of a live show are incorporated in cirque du soleil - journey of man : the music , the acts and the atmosphere 生命赞礼中包罗各种演出元素:色彩画面音乐动作气氛和美感,是一富教育意义的全天域电影。
Cirque du soleil is the world - renowned performance troupe that has re - invented the circus . their shows are known for their haunting quality , excellence and visual impact 索拉奇艺坊是举世知名的杂技艺术表演团体,艺坊的演出以摄魄和优美见著。
" cirque du soleil - journey of man " , a new giant - screen film , is a visual and musical celebration of life , featuring the unique performers and artistry of cirque du soleil 全天域电影生命赞礼,以艺术表演和音乐表达生命之颂赞,片中表演者技艺卓绝姿势优美,尽显索拉奇艺坊的一流造诣。
She then focused on developing her own performing career . she performed in the famous cirque du soleil show " alegria " and renowned magician david copperfield s show 她其后发展个人表演事业,曾于大型表演如cirque du soleil系列中的" alegria "及魔术大师大卫高柏飞david copperfield的节目中粉墨登场。
The story follows a mystical journey through the stages of man , from birth to maturity . each stage is introduced by a cirque du soleil act , all photographed at spectacular locations around the world 影片从艺术角度表现人生,将人由出生至成长的不同阶段以表演形式逐一交代,并在各地取景,令人大开眼界。